Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sebastard! OH, I mean SEBASTIAN!


Sebastian is a big black cat with an attitude! He came into my life because I wanted another cat since Ringo decided that my cooking wasn’t good enough. So off to the Animal Shelter I went. He was the last cat I saw. He had been abandoned on the highway and was extremely playful and maybe a little pissed off with his situation. I tapped on the glass of his cage and he immediately jumped up and started to play! He won my heart so I adopted him. ( I wish I could have taken all the cats home that day) Good thing I did, as he was to be put to sleep the next day! When we were checking him out of “kitty jail” he entertained all of us by playing with a ball of tape. The woman that worked there thought I should name him Pele after the great soccer player, but Sebastian really suits him.

Once I got him home all the adventures began. He is a friendly cat but sometimes he has a slight attitude problem, it comes down to this, he can't STAND to be forced to stay inside, he is a true adventurer. I’d had him about three weeks when he decided that he wanted to explore the neighborhood. Yep, you guessed it, he disappeared! For three long days I looked for him, silly cat! Then he just appeared back on my doorstep. I was so glad to see him and that he knew where he lived, but that was just the beginning. As Sebastian got older, he got more and more brave. He decided that it was great fun to jump into cars. I received calls on several occasions from frantic people that had accidentally taken Sebastian for a joy ride around the block. I guess he was trying to tell me that he wanted to travel....well, little did he know, he was going to get his wish!

As Sebastian settled into my home he started to establish his territory. He had a cat door so he was able to come and go as he pleased, BELIEVE ME he wouldn't have had it any other way! I can remember sitting in my back yard reading a book only to see Sebastian RUN by chasing the squirrel! This became the daily challenge, to see if he could catch it. He would wait and wait under the bushes and the POUNCE! Of course the squirrel was too quick and he would end up chasing it right up the tree! (where was Phantom when he needed her) Then the next challenge would be how to get down from the tree (didn't think about that one eh!) Thank god he never caught one, because it would have ended up in my house somewhere! He loves to bring me presents; after all I am his mommy. Speaking of bringing me presents...

As every cat owner knows, there comes a time in your life that your cat wants to show his unconditional love for you. Or maybe he thinks that new diet you are on is making you toooooooo skinny (right!) Whatever it may be, at some point in the cat/human relationship the cat feels the need to FEED YOU!! Sebastian would bring me birds, mice and butterflies. His favorite were birds. I guess he was amused by me trying to catch the poor bird as it was flying around the house pooping on everything! I can just hear him now "why the hell can't she catch that bird, it's NOT THAT HARD!" The worst was when I would have to pry the poor bird out of "the jaws of death" I did this by tickling Sebastian's feet! He would do his best to hold onto the bird but the need to STOP ME from tickling his feet always won and he would have to bite ME thus letting the poor bird go. He was especially good at gift giving when I had returned from a trip or something. It was like a little welcome home gift. I will always remember one gift in particular.

I had been in Hawaii and I had taken a long flight home. It was cold and snowy and I was dreaming of being on the beach in Hawaii when I heard Sebastian come through the cat door. The cat door was in the basement and Sebastian had to go up some stairs to get into the kitchen. Well I heard him come through the door and it sounded as if he fell down the stairs! Then I heard him in the dining room and it sounded as though he was playing with something. I got up in the dark and went to the dining room. I saw this black thing on the carpet, which I assumed was Sebastian until I turned on the light! It was a huge black frozen crow!!!!Sebastian had found it outside in the snow, pushed it through the cat door where it rolled down the stairs. He then dragged it up the stairs (it was about as big as him) and left it on the dining room carpet for mommy! It was lying there feet up in the air, completely frozen! To this day, I have no idea where he found it.

At some point Sebastian decided that he was lonely. He had a lot of cat friends that would come over, but they all had permanent homes. His best friend was a pure white cat with a striped tail. I would come home and they would be playing under the bed. I can almost hear the cat conversation now. “Hey, you want to come over?” “My mommy is going to be gone all day, imagine the fun we can have!” Anyway, Sebastian started to bring lots of cats home. One was a sweet little black and white cat that I named Duchess until I found out that he was a Duke. Unfortunately, Duchess was very sick and did not live very long. I made sure that his last days were filled with comfort and love.

And then came the day he brought home a Turkish Angora that looked like it had been on the road and out in the cold for a while. They really liked each other so I decided that I would adopt the Turkish Angora. I hadn't even figured out a name for the cat when my dad called and said that there was an ad for a white cat that had been missing for about 10 weeks! I called the number and made arrangements for her to come over and see if he was her cat. The minute she walked in the door she immediately recognized him, his name was Roman. She was very happy, Roman, on the other hand, ran down to the basement! She went down to get him there was a lot of hissing and commotion but she finally got a hold of him. So we said our goodbyes BUT just as she was trying to get in the car with him he did a twisting maneuver and escaped! At the same time Sebastian came running out from under the car and with Sebastian at Roman's side, they ran off down the street one black cat and one white into the darkness of the night. Poetic isn't it! I told her that she could come back tomorrow because there was no way that we would be able to catch them now. About an hour later the two of them came home and jumped up on the couch together. Roman liked his new home and his new friend just fine and he planned to stay for a while. His owner came and got him the next day, much to the dismay of Sebastian. More cat tails to come.....

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