Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Beware of Kitty

Welcome to Cat Tails, the "Tails" that follow are about all the cats I have known in my life and the MANY adventures we have had.....ENJOY!


Blacky was my first cat and the cat that I grew up with. He was a huge black cat, hence the name Blacky. My father rescued Blacky when he was just a kitten. He had gotten himself into some kind of trouble with a dog and was in need of a savior. Dad saved him and he became our cat, to this day I’m not really sure if dad actually wanted a cat but Blacky was here to stay.

I loved him; he on the other hand was not too impressed with children. I’m sure he was not impressed with me the day I threw him into the backyard pool because “he wanted to go swimming!” My mother rescued him and told me that was not a nice thing to do, I thought he was hot. Needless to say Blacky kept his distance from me for a while!

We used to travel a lot and when we returned Blacky would be waiting for us. One time when we came home, Blacky was not there to greet us at the door. He was missing for three days my mother was beside herself with worry, and then he finally showed up. Blacky had been hit by a car and the poor thing had a broken jaw! Off to the vet he went they fixed him up, but from then on one eye was always shut and his tongue hung out of his mouth. Not a pretty picture, but we all loved him anyway. We thought he was unique! To show off his lovely face Dad took the most wonderful picture of him. It was late November and the pumpkin that had been sitting on our porch since Halloween was looking rather rotten and squished. Blacky was sitting next to it and Dad snapped a picture, it’s priceless! Rotten pumpkin and Black disfigured cat! We should have entered it in a photo contest, but that would insult Blacky.

One of my favorite traits about Blacky was his ability to kick ass against dogs of any shape and size! He just never got over that first attack when he was a kitten. A few experiences come to mind. The first happened when I was sitting in the living room playing the piano. I heard this horrible yelp and I looked out the window just in time to see Blacky riding an Irish Setter down the street. He was digging his claws in and holding on tight just like a jockey at the Kentucky Derby! The second incident that comes to mind was, I was standing out on the driveway with Blacky just enjoying the sun. When around the corner came a woman walking three huge dogs. Well I knew what was going to happen so I cleared out! Sure enough Blacky jumped on one of the dogs and started to fight. The woman was yelling at me to help her, but what could I do? The dogs were running around in circles wrapping the woman up in their leashes. Finally when they passed the boundary of Blacky’s yard, he jumped off and went back to grooming as if nothing happened! Needless to say I don’t think she ever walked her dogs through our yard again.

Blacky was also very acrobatic as most cats are. His favorite thing to do in the morning was to go over to the neighbor’s house. Mr. and Mrs. Parker had a beautiful white picket fence around their house and Blacky used to jump up and sit on the gate for a second before moving onto the porch. One fine morning Mrs. Parker came out to get the morning paper and just as she opened the gate Blacky was in mid air and looking for the gate. I think their eyes met for one brief second before Blacky fell to the ground. Can you imagine the look of surprise on that cat’s face when there was suddenly nothing to land on; it must have been priceless. He did the same sort of thing going after the birds one day in the garden. He was hiding under the birdbath waiting for his chance. When he leaped up to catch a bird he landed spread eagle in the birdbath! He never tried that one again.

Blacky lived for 14 years. He was my companion when I was growing up and I miss him to this day. I will always remember him. More Cat Tails to come......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great picture...only a face a mother could love.
It is purrrrfect!